ACT ONE 2nd-8th Theatre Program
Our 2nd-8th Grade Theatre Program promises elementary and middle school-aged children fun and challenging classes, interesting material, and dedicated teachers. This program is divided into two semesters, Fall and Winter/Spring. Students will meet once a week in the Fall (see available meeting times and location options below). Beginning late January, students will meet twice a week and parents will receive information regarding options for the additional days and locations.
Fall Semester
Winter/Spring Semester
Audition Skills
Acting for Film
The fall semester is process-oriented, focusing on skill-building. Students meet once a week for two-and-a-half hours. During this time, they are grouped by age into small classes to study:​
The winter/spring semester is production-oriented, focusing on rehearsals for a fully-produced musical. Every student is cast and used extensively in the musical. Rehearsals occur twice a week for two hours each session, with more frequent rehearsals during the final two weeks leading up to the performances. There are multiple casts for the musical, and each cast has its own unique rehearsal schedule. This allows families to select a cast that best fits their own schedules.

2024-2025 Dates
September 17, 2024 – Spring 2025
Meeting Time Options
Mondays: 4:30pm*
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays: 4:30pm
Saturdays: 9:30am, 11:30am*
*The 4:30pm slot on Monday and 11:30am slot on Saturdays will be added if the other classes exceed their limit or if enough parents indicate that as a preferred time
Tuition includes approximately 45 Training Sessions, head shots and ten free tickets to the musical!
Click HERE for payment details.